Monday, February 9, 2009

Tiger Woods Return

Tiger's return right now is questionable of when it will be. He just had his second child yesterday. It was a boy and they named is Charlie Axel Woods. Sounds like a very catchy name that we might be hearing alot about in the next years. They now have two children one a boy and the other a girl to dominate the links in both tours. Tiger said his return would be after his child was born so we are assuming that he will make his return in the next couple of weeks probably at the Accenture Match Play.


  1. Tiger woods is a great player and should stay in golf for the longest time he can...

  2. T-Dub better watch his step before he falls and hurts his knee.

  3. I've never played real golf, only put-put and Wii. I'm glad he has a life outside of golf.

  4. Tiger Woods is the coolest Buddhist ever.

  5. Tiger Woods needs to grow up and quit complaining... Brett Favre the 2nd maybe?

  6. I'm glad Tiger is coming back. Now golf will get interesting to watch again.

  7. Wish I had his don't want to see my golf ability....putt-putt here I come

  8. Nice post Cody! Look forward to seeing more!
